API search for monograph series

Hello, Is there a way to search for all the volumes in a monograph series (book/book_series)? And how do you find the ISSN assigned to a monograph series in Crossref? Can you provide examples using the REST API and/or the XML API? Thank you!

Hi @BessM ,

Thanks for your message. Good question. We don’t have a series route, like we do a journals route (to simplify searching by ISSN), but you can filter your results by ISSN in the REST API, like this:


If you know the citation ID of the book or book series in question, you can also view the depositor report, which contains some useful information about the book/book series, including all of the DOIs registered for that book/book series and the timestamps, the most-recent updates, and the citation counts of each of the DOIs. Here’s an example of the depositor report of the book series: Special Publication (pISSN 01459031)


Warm regards,

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