Retriving citation entries with proper format

I am trying to retrive this doi 10.1021/acs.jpca.2c01209, which gives the tile section as

Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F $\mathplus$ H$\less$sub$\greater$2$\less$/sub$\greater$ Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed $\less$i$\greater$Ab Initio$\less$/i$\greater$ Ground Potential Energy Surface

But the actual title of the paper is

Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F + H2 Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed Ab Initio Ground Potential Energy Surface

i.e. the special characters, superscript, subscript get messed up in the retrieved data. Is there a way to get the citation from the APIs that is in Latex format?

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Hi @koushikphy ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to the community forum.

We don’t modify the metadata records registered with us in the JSON output in our REST API, but the content negotiation service can give you the citation in a number of different formats. I’ve selected apa, but there are many others here:

How does this work for you?
Naskar, K., Ghosh, S., & Adhikari, S. (2022). Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F + H2 Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed Ab Initio Ground Potential Energy Surface. In The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Vol. 126, Issue 21, pp. 3311–3328). American Chemical Society (ACS).

Warm regards,

Thanks a lot. Thats was very helpful. So I found three ways to query a bibtex information

curl -LH "Accept: text/x-bibliography; style=bibtex"

Gives bibtex format with proper title format

 @article{2022, title={Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F + H2 Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed Ab Initio Ground Potential Energy Surface}, volume={126}, ISSN={1520-5215}, url={}, DOI={10.1021/acs.jpca.2c01209}, number={21}, journal={The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Naskar, Koushik and Ghosh, Sandip and Adhikari, Satrajit}, year={2022}, month={May}, pages={3311–3328} }

But this method

curl -LH "Accept: application/x-bibtex"

and this


gives the bibtex in the following fomat where the title is not properly formatted

        doi = {10.1021/acs.jpca.2c01209},
        url = {},
        year = 2022,
        month = {may},
        publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})},
        volume = {126},
        number = {21},
        pages = {3311--3328},
        author = {Koushik Naskar and Sandip Ghosh and Satrajit Adhikari},
        title = {Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F $\mathplus$ H$\less$sub$\greater$2$\less$/sub$\greater$ Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed $\less$i$\greater$Ab Initio$\less$/i$\greater$ Ground Potential Energy Surface},
        journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}

I think I will use the first one as that one gives proer fomatted title. Is there any advantages/ disadvantages to using one over the others?

Very happy to help! There aren’t advantages/disadvantages to any of these methods. I’d suggesting using the one that fits your workflow best.

I should also mention that our search interface - - will also produce these citations for you.

selecting cite will launch this screen:

Looks like the BibTeX here is also pulling the raw title into the citation. That’s not the case for the other citation styles, so we should fix that. I’ll open an internal ticket about that, but it won’t be a quick fix.

My best,

Actually I’m using a script to get bibtex for all the reference so I need an API endpoint to work with and it seems the crossref API is much faster than querying the endpoint

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